You know the difference between social media for business and personal use. You know your business content needs to always be relevant to your audience and your business goals. And you want to keep the focus on your brand and your message.

Here are three topics to consider before posting to any of your business social media channels:

  • Endorsements: Be mindful of endorsements (direct or perceived) for other brands, companies, or VIPs. Let it be a strategic decision to mention or show support for a partner, not a spontaneous action. Also, research their social accounts to ensure no controversial content.
  • Events: Remember not all of your followers are attending your event or the event in which you’re participating. Your posts should be able to stand on their own. Taking time to pause and reflect, versus acting on impulse during events can prevent over posting and spamming your audience.
  • Employees: Featuring employee stories and reposting their social content can be a great way to humanize your company and its services. When choosing which employees to highlight, research their social accounts to ensure their personal content aligns with the messages and values of the company. You want their actions to reflect well on the business.

On Events.
A good rule of thumb for short events with one to two speakers is two posts per event. For full-day and multi-day conferences, share several posts throughout the day, maybe one per session or five per day. Incorporate reposts in addition to your original content, and space out posts to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Continue the conversation post-event.
Not all of your content needs to be “posted same day”. Consider posting quote graphics, LinkedIn articles, or YouTube videos a day to a week after an event. Also, use Twitter Moments to collect event content into one “story” and one shareable link, giving it greater context for those who weren’t able to attend.